ARGENTINA: Unusual frost and freeze damage during the summerBREAKING NEWS  

Crop development in Cordoba peanut belt in Argentina; since a few weeks the peanut crop is facing a very dry scenario due to the influence of La Nina climate pattern, no rain in most areas and sporadic showers in some areas. The moisture isn’t sufficient in general and the weather forecast for the next weeks isn’t really optimistic. On the top of this, combined with the drought conditions, the weather is too cold due to some Antarctic cold wind influence, temperatures are even freezing at night! Some fields in the far South of Cordoba province are even suffering of frost, freeze damage, which is very unusual during the summer in Argentina.
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CHINA: Larger crop than last, at the end, market flatBREAKING NEWS  

Large crop, large area, unfortunately rain during harvesting is never positive. Since last week rainfalls have delayed, stopped harvesting. This situation endures in most provinces in Northern China, Liaoning, Jilin ETC.. Hsuji (runner) type of peanuts id specially the most affected. Farmers are expecting higher prices so very little activity, good quality peanuts will remain a challenge; situation to watch...
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ARGENTINA: New crop planting completed, very good situation, market downBREAKING NEWS  

Current crop 2017 after harvesting completion, due to long delays due to the humid weather during June, July and August 2017, The last part of the crop is of a worse quality, very difficult and costly to process; FFA% and dirty faces growing into a bigger problem. Quality will be a challenge in the next few months. New crop, planting completed so far so good, good germination already noticed.
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SOUTH AFRICA: Stronger zar, new crop planting delayed. 30 per cent loss in areaBREAKING NEWS  

New crop 2017-2018 planting should have started in October in the Free State area and one week ago in the North West province. The outlook was very positive and expected planting area above 60.000 hectares, Our experts estimate a potential loss of at least 30% decrease in planted area for the next new crop season 2018. no more planting option for the free state, potential for the next 10 days in the North west and Limpopo areas.
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